
Fostering children's ability to create a society that will lead us into the future.

What is Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy?

A learning program aimed at developing children's ability to create sustainable futures.

To think about how we are connected to the challenges facing the earth, and consider them as our own responsibility.

To think of ideas for creating sustainable futures in combination with the latest technologies.

To collaborate with others and implement ideas for sustainable futures.

Mitsui's corporate mission is to "Build brighter futures, everywhere"
And we believe it is important to work with the next generation of youth to create sustainable futures,
which is why we launched this program in 2014.

Take on the Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy challenge!

The Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy is an inquiry-based active learning program that leverages our diverse business activities as case studies.
Work together to develop amazing ideas that address both familiar and global issues all at once!

Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy 2022

First, take the following steps:

  • 01

    Download the course materials

    Problem-based learning (PBL) version: Groups and individuals decide the theme yourselves

    Seeds of inquiry version: Find the seeds of inquiry yourselves.

    * Materials are available in Japanese only.

  • 02

    Learn how to utilize the three techniques introduced in the video

    * The video is subtitled in English.

  • 03

    Decide the theme, and begin developing ideas

    Utilize the SASUGAKU Compass and Future Timeline to expand your ideas!


Share your ideas with others and get moving towards implementation!

Report: Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy 2022

The Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy was offered at one elementary school and one junior high school. In response to the ideas developed by students utilizing the SASUGAKU Compass and Future Timeline, we provided advice from a global perspective and from the standpoint of commercialization. One of the participating Mitsui employees commented: "This was one of the most memorable experiences I have had recently!"

Satoe Gakuen Elementary School
90 elementary sixth graders participated.
Satoe Gakuen Elementary School
77 elementary fourth graders
Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Junior High School
Shibaura Institute of Technology Kashiwa Junior High School
186 junior high 3rd graders participated.

* The Videos are available in Japanese only.

At the 33rd Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Environmental Education held on August 28, 2022, we presented the "Introduction of Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy in schools, and verification of its effectiveness." After the presentation, there was a lively Q&A session with the audience, indicating the high level of interest in the SASUGAKU Academy among companies and educational institutions.

The SASUGAKU Academy was also introduced at an online study session titled "Together Creating Deep SDGs and New School Culture" held on March 27, 2023, as part of the "Terakoya Asahi for Teachers" media program for teachers and staff hosted by the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. The SASUGAKU Compass, Future Timeline, and online teaching materials were showcased to over 100 teachers and staff in attendance.

Report: Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy 2022

Take a look at past SASUGAKU Academy programs


SASUGAKU Academy 2022

SASUGAKU Academy 2022

Theme: Take cues from presentations by Mitsui employees and try your hand at the challenges.


SASUGAKU Academy 2021

SASUGAKU Academy 2021

Theme: Take cues from presentations by Mitsui employees and try your hand at the challenges.


2020 Program evaluation

We conducted an evaluation of the results of the Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy from FY Mar/2015 to FY Mar/2020, and examined methods for holding the program in FY Mar/2022 and beyond, keeping in mind the COVID-19 pandemic.

Program Evaluation

Mitsui SASUGAKU Academy - Measure of Effectiveness

We conducted a follow-up survey on how children who participated in the program "reflected" internally through the SASUGAKU experience and the extent to which they were able to put what they learned into action, as well as measuring their ability to create a future-thinking society. In 2020, in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies, we conducted a survey and interviews with participants of the SASUGAKU Academy and their parents from 2014 to 2019.

We received 56 responses from parents and their children (58.9% response rate).
Figure 2 shows what grade they were in at school at the time of participation, and Figure 3 shows what grade they are in now.

Figure 2: Respondent's grade at school at the time of participation in the SASUGAKU Academy

Figure 2: Respondent's grade at school at the time of participation in the SASUGAKU Academy

Figure 3: Respondent's current grade

Figure 3: Respondent's current grade

Key points measuring the effectiveness of the “Ability to Create a Society Connected to the Future” program

  • (After attending SASUGAKU Academy) Whether students maintained a heightened interest in societal issues
  • (After attending SASUGAKU Academy) Whether students are studying and engaging in specific activities to address societal issues
  • (After attending SASUGAKU Academy) Whether students have continued to show respect for the opinions of others, and have made changes in behavior to show empathy and understanding
  • (After attending SASUGAKU Academy) Whether students experienced a change in awareness of career choices

Is there anything that you became more aware of at home or at school, or something that you started (or stopped) doing, as a result of participating in the SASUGAKU Academy?

(Example) Is there anything that you became more aware of at home or at school, or something that you started (or stopped) doing, as a result of participating in the SASUGAKU Academy?

Did your learnings or experiences at SASUGAKU Academy influence your career path or what you want to do in the future?

(Example) Did your learnings or experiences at SASUGAKU Academy influence your career path or what you want to do in the future?

Did anything you learned at SASUGAKU Academy help you in your later life, at school or at home?

(Example) Did anything you learned at SASUGAKU Academy help you in your later life, at school or at home?

How much do you use what you learned at SASUGAKU Academy in your life now?

(Example) How much do you use what you learned at SASUGAKU Academy in your life now?